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Thursday, 17 December 2015

Monday, 14 December 2015

Joburg's best low carb options

As we're nearing the end of another amazing year, I thought I' quickly just share my top few low carb meals I've had this year. There are so many healthy alternatives now that really, we are left with very few excuses to choose junk foods. I am diabetic and insulin depended and so I try and have as little sugar (carbs) in my diet as possible. This means that I can inject myself with less insulin which, for a needle phobic like myself, is a HUGE incentive. The other benefits include maintaining a healthy weight and just generally being a healthier happier human.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015


Last week I and a few other foodies were treated to a night out at KREAM in Pretoria. I had heard of this restaurant a while ago and have been wanting to try it but Pretoria is a little out of my way and so I never got around to visiting them. A big thank-you to Zomato for the invite!